Upcoming Event
July 25th at 11am: The UK Water Crisis: What Can We Do?

Pavan is an Environmental Science undergraduate at the University of Birmingham who hopes to encourage people and businesses to consider their water footprint. She organises events for Sustainable Water Use Birmingham (SWUB), and most recently organised a webinar event with Dr David Hannah, the UNESCO Chair of Water Science. She also researches and creates social media content for the SWUB accounts.
I’m Angie, I currently work on managing projects and implementing innovation with a focus on ESG at a law firm. I joined UpRising in 2019 to learn more about the structure of power and how I could make more of a positive impact on social issues I really care about. Out of this, joining SWUB, I’ve loved working as a team to make real change. I’m specifically interested in how we can help businesses implement water sustainability in their strategy for the future.
Past Events
JULY 18TH: HCA In Conversation With… Sustainable Water Use Birmingham
JULY 12TH: Hindu Sevika Samiti Hinduism & Environment Workshop
JULY 6TH: Reduce plastic in the kitchen with Leicester Age Group
JUNE 27TH: HCA In Conversation With… Greens Of Colour
JUNE 25TH: Jalaram Mandir Leicester Workshop
JUNE 10TH: G7 Interfaith Event CAFOD
JUNE 1ST: Hinduism & Environment Workshop (Leicester Age Group in Gujarati)
MAY 30TH: HCA In Conversation With… Samantha Wood from The Conservation Volunteers
MAY 25TH: When Nature Meets Faith Talk
APRIL 28TH: Leicester Spring Reconnection, A Faith for the Climate talk
APRIL 27TH: Transforming Communities Together Event
APRIL 24TH: Our Environmental Careers Event
MARCH 28TH: HCA In Conversation With… Joanna Furtado from Green Alliance
MARCH 19TH: Bradford Shakha Plastics Talk
MARCH 11TH: Scared People Talk
MARCH 3RD: Multifaith Climate Change Forum
FEBRUARY 28TH: HCA In Conversation With… ThinkDeepa
FEBRUARY 26TH: Hinduism & Environment workshop with Netherlands Hindu Students
FEBRUARY 15TH: Spirituality & The Climate Crisis talk
FEBRUARY 6TH: Bristol Balgokulum Workshop
FEBRUARY 4TH: NHSF UK Elev8 Fast Fashion Workshop
JANUARY 28TH: Centre for Applied Buddhism-Climate Action and the need for transformation
JANUARY 24TH: HCA In Conversation With… Greenpeace
DECEMBER 20TH: HCA In Conversation With… Aneesh Malde
DECEMBER 8TH: Wellingborough Interfaith Group- Climate Emergency: A Faith Perspective
NOVEMBER 22ND: HCA In Conversation With… NHSF UK at 11AM
NOVEMBER 17TH: KCL Eco Society Interfaith Panel.
NOVEMBER 9TH: Hope for the Future Interfaith Event.
NOVEMBER 4TH: NHSF Bristol Hindu Society climate workshop
9 OCTOBER – 2 NOVEMBER 2020: Faith for the Climate- “Get ready for COP26: be part of climate action”