Page Contents:

  1. Who is Varuṇa? 
  2. The importance of Varuṇa
  3. The Environment
  4. What can we learn from Varuna? 

Who is Varuṇa? 

Varuṇa ‘the one who encompasses the whole world,’ – is one of the oldest Vedic deities.

He is the personification of the sky, clouds, water, rivers and ocean. 

Varuṇa is the king of the universe and living in the highest realms. The Lord’s knowledge and power are unlimited. He has a thousand eyes and overlooks the entire manifestation. He is also referred to as the ‘Lord of the moral law.’ He punishes those who transgress this law but forgives them out of compassion if they repent and pray. By activating Vāyu, the Lord of the wind, He sustains life by giving rain and crops.

In the subsequent mythological literature, Varuṇa is described as the presiding deity of the western quarter and as the Lord of Oceans, Water and Aquatic Animals. In some temples, he is depicted as riding on a crocodile. In two of his four arms, he holds the serpent and the paśa (noose). Sometimes He is pictured as riding in a chariot drawn by seven swans and holding the lotus, the noose, the conch and a vessel of gems in the four hands with an umbrella over His head.

Vasus: Vasus are a class of deities, eight in number, chiefly known as attendants of Indra. The word Vasu is derived from ‘vas’ (to dwell,’ ‘to cause to dwell,’ ‘to shine’) and hence Vasus are deities representing all spheres of extension or space, and height.

The importance of Varuṇa

As the word, Varuṇa means “He who covers”, Lord Varuṇa is believed to be someone who encompasses the whole world. Thus, he is generally worshipped as the personification of the sky. He is also said to be the keeper of cosmic order, a force called “ṛṭa” which means justice. As being the one who enforces the law, He is worshipped as keeper of divine order and enforcer of contracts.

Lord Varuṇa is still invoked during seasons of drought; whereby a ‘Varuṇa Yagya’ is performed to activate rainfall! Lord Varuṇa is given great importance within our Vedas and our Daily Prayers as without the essence of Water one would not survive! 

Many know that without Water; Life simply does not exist! Lord Varuṇa not only showers the blessings of this water upon all but protects those who protect others! 

The Environment

The Lord is the essence of the World and hence why the manifestation of this entire creation is seen to be no different from the environment! Varuṇais more than just the ‘Lord of the Ocean’ but in fact, is described as the ‘All-knowing One’. One who is believed to be omnipresent and omniscient! Lord Varuṇa is one who is compassionate to those who protect this manifestation!

So now we know that the Environment is in fact the Lord himself! How can one hurt and damage this beautiful creation?

Just as the Lord gives us rainfall, water, air and fulfils all our needs; let us adopt the universal message of ‘giving is living’ and together protect the Lord’s manifestation! If the Lord is a manifestation of this entire universe, the One who creates, sustains and dissolute – what can we do to give back?

What can we learn from Varuna? 

In short, we can learn: to be compassionate, noble and humble whilst protecting our Dharma and doing our duty to protect the Environment!

Now is the time that together we create our own relay race and begin to pass that baton to family, friends, and the world at large! Let us learn from Varuṇa who gives all, yet wants nothing in return! The small steps that leave an ever-lasting impact. 

Join us on our many campaigns to protect the Environment through our ancient and ever-loving Sanātana Traditions! Follow our pages @Hinduclimateaction to keep up to date about how you can get involved.