The ongoing climate emergency is global in scale and catastrophic in consequence. There are nearly 1 billion Hindus around the world living and breathing values such as ahimsa (non-harm) and revering this Earth as Bhumi Devi.
The Hindu community can play a large role in tackling climate change. We hope this website contributes a shift in consciousness towards a greener and more compassionate future.
Please explore the site and send us an email on if you’d like to find out any more information or would like to get involved.
For a brief summary of our work in the last year, please also have a read of our Impact Report.

My parents’ generation worked hard to build a better future for their children. My generation flourished enjoying all the comforts of modern life, not realising our impact on the environment. Now it’s time for action.”

Climate change affects nearly every aspect of our lives, from our food, to the conditions we live in. That is why I believe we must all do our part to alleviate its impact.”

Through our Karma (actions), we can either worsen the climate emergency or choose to do something about it. I’ve chosen the latter and that’s why I’m involved with Hindu Climate Action.”
We are fortunate to live on a diverse, awe-inspiring planet. The future generation deserves this same right. From the Rio Earth Summit to the Paris Agreement, action on a global scale is finally speeding up, so now it is even more important to use our voice and actions to mitigate climate change.”

The values we see within our faith and the environment is what drove me to get involved; our timeless teachings show that everything has value and I’m hoping my acts lead to a more sustainable future for all on this planet.”

I got involved with HCA because we encourage each other to think about what we can do and what changes we can make to reduce our impacts on the Earth.”